Skill Development

Course on Allyship  from Resolve Evolve LTD.


Our EDI allyship course builds on the Inclusive Working course and explores how you can become effective allies in creating a more equitable and inclusive workplace.
The session:
  • provides further knowledge relating to unconscious bias, privilege, and intersectionality
  • provides practical strategies for supporting underrepresented groups
  • explores skills including active listening, cognitive empathy and self-reflection
  • encourages and advises on self-directed learning
  • provides tools to effectively speak up and challenge inappropriate languages and behaviours

The course emphasises the need for ongoing learning and action; it also encourages participants to identify and challenge systems of oppression in their personal and professional lives through discussion of case studies and interactive exercises.

Course on Dignity advisers and listeners  from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Dignity Advisers and Listeners

This course provides participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to become effective Dignity at Work Advisors or Listeners within their organisation.
The course initially covers:
  • n introduction to dignity at work including definitions and an overview of the legal and ethical framework for promoting dignity at work
  • An understanding of the impact of bullying, harassment, and discrimination on individuals and the workplace
  • Explore the organisation’s and participants’ expectations of the role and responsibilities of a Dignity at Work Advisor
  • Consider key areas of skill development
  • Discuss the relevant organisational policies and procedures
  • Explore how the role is supported by the HR team 

Using interactive scenarios, we then explore how to identify and address dignity at work issues, providing support to complainants and respondents and developing effective complaint-handling skills, including active listening, empathy and tools to effectively explore the issues.
At the end of the training course, participants will have a deeper understanding of dignity at work and will be equipped with practical tools to identify and address dignity at work issues.

A course on How to understand microaggressions  from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Microaggressions: Recognising and Challenging

This short course is designed to provide an understanding of microaggressions, how to recognise and challenge them, and what can be done to reduce their occurrence at work.
We will include:
  • The definition and types of microaggressions
  • The impact of microaggressions
  • Their impactand response to microaggressions in a constructive manner
  • Strategies for preventing microaggressions in the workplace
  • Promoting inclusive behaviours and language
  • Developing a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusion.

At the end of the session, participants will have a deeper understanding of microaggressions and how to recognise and effectively challenge them.

Course on Running effective network group  from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Running effective Network Groups

Our course for running an effective diversity network group provides groups and individuals with the information and skills necessary to establish and manage a successful employee resource group.
Areas covered in this session include:
  • The purpose and benefits of EDI network groups
  • How to establish a successful group
  • Maintaining momentum and purpose
  • Resources, roles, and senior sponsorship
  • Creating inclusive events and activities 

Additionally, the course will guide how to evaluate the group's impact and how to use metrics to measure success. The session also covers how to report and communicate the impact of the group's activities to stakeholders.

The training includes a skills development section on navigating potential challenges, such as managing conflicts, dealing with disclosures, and addressing sensitive issues.

Course on speaking up challenge and assertiveness

Speaking Up: Challenging and Assertiveness

Through this course, participants will explore the necessary skills to challenge inappropriate behaviours and language in the workplace n a constructive and effective way, n a way that is constructive and effective.
Using interactive scenarios with actors, we explore:
  • Dignity at work
  • The principles of assertiveness
  • Dealing with inappropriate behaviours and language in the workplace
  • Challenging inappropriate behaviour
  • Supporting individuals and being an active bystander

We provide techniques for effectively challenging inappropriate behaviours and language and work with you in scenarios appropriate to your context. We use actors in both role play and forum theatre scenarios to develop skills to navigate challenging conversations.

Course on Train the trainers  from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Train the Trainer: For a specific internal course

This three-day course providesprovides participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver effective training sessions on equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion (EDEI).
We initially work with you to develop the specific course that you require, for example, Working with Diverse Teams, Unconscious Bias or Managing Diversity. The course will reference your organisation’s values, mission, policies and procedures and include interactive exercises and case studies that reflect your context.

The course length can differ depending on participants’ experience delivering training and knowledge of equality, diversity and inclusion principles. This is to ensure that the trainers have the skills to respond confidently and accurately to questions and issues that may arise during the training they deliver.
  • On the first day of the course, the Resolve Evolve trainer will deliver the bespoke course we have developed with you for the internal trainers to deliver.
  • On day two, we discuss each element of the course with the trainee trainers and work with them to explore the concepts and content, the issues and questions that may arise and work through a range of scenarios
  • By day three, which will be at least one week later, the trainees will each have the opportunity to deliver a section of the course and to receive constructive feedback.

We can also be available, if required, to support the new trainers and provide feedback following the delivery of their first bespoke training sessions.

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