Group and Team Support

Explore different types of training we offer.

Madiation Services  from Resolve Evolve LTD.


Our team of mediators are trained and experienced in working with individuals to resolve work-based conflicts in a safe, impartial and neutral environment.  

Through separate meetings with the individuals affected, we work with them to identify the underlying causes of the conflict and guide them towards developing a plan for resolving those conflicts in a mutually beneficial way.

Our mediation service can be delivered in-person or remotely, depending on the needs of the individuals and organisations involved.

Psychometrics, Hogan and other testing services from Resolve Evolve LTD.

Psychometrics, Hogan and other testing

We offer psychometric testing services, including Hogan, Implicitly, and other assessments, to help organisations and individuals improve their equality, diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.

Our experts can conduct a thorough assessment of an individual, team, or workforce to identify any potential biases or barriers that may exist within your hiring or talent management processes. Our Psychometric testing can help your organisation assess leadership potential and develop effective strategies for employee development.

Our aim is to help organisations create a more diverse and inclusive workforce by making informed decisions about talent management.

By using psychometric testing, we can help you identify any unconscious biases or preferences that may be affecting your decision-making processes and develop strategies to address them.

Stuff surveys and focus on groups service Resolve Evolve LTD.

Staff Surveys and Focus Groups

We offer focus groups and surveys for EDEI (equality, diversity, and inclusion) to help your organisation better understand the needs and experiences of their staff, customers, or service users.

Our team of experienced consultants will design and run focus groups and build surveys that are tailored to the specific needs of your organisation, providing valuable insights into the EDEI climate within your workplace and sector.

Our focus groups and surveys can cover a range of related topics, including employee experiences of discrimination, harassment, and bullying, barriers to inclusion, barriers to access, and staff suggestions for improvement.

Our aim is to provide your organisation with the data and insights you need to create a strategy for improvement..

Team building services through group signing

Team Building through Group Singing

There are so many workplaces that could do with more energy and engagement. What better way to lift spirits, make better connections and improve mental health than group singing? It makes a change feel as good as a rest.

Here are some of the incredible benefits of group singing:
Emotional benefits:
  • Boosts team spirit, creating togetherness and happiness
  • Helps express creativity and builds confidence, reducing anxiety and improving self-esteem
  • Promotes positivity, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation
Engagement benefits:
  • Provides a fun way to bond, create memories and strengthen relationships
  • Encourages participation and collaboration, improving communication and teamwork
  • Offers a unique and memorable experience for successful team building