Mimihas over 30 years as an educator in graduate social work programs in the UnitedStates and abroad. Her areas of expertise include cultural humility,diversity, equity, and inclusion and engaging in culturally sensitive practice.In addition, Mimi has taught courses in group and individual counseling with anemphasis on effective listening skills.
Mimihas also served at the administrative level of a major university in thecapacity of Assistant Provost for Institutional Diversity. Her duties includedworking with faculty and staff on DEI recruitment, hiring, and retentionpractices, creating inclusive classrooms, and providing spaces where persons ofdiverse backgrounds could flourish.
Mimihas facilitated focus groups, conducted strategic planning sessions, and DEItraining in the federal government and in not-for-profit organizations. She hasalso developed mentoring programs for employees and students who aretraditionally marginalized.
Mimihas presented at professional organizations, locally and nationally in the areaof Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.